Welcome to our veteran/family-owned aviation company, SUA Aviation, based in sunny South Florida. We are a team of experienced pilots and aviation enthusiasts who are dedicated to providing affordable and reliable personal planes for individuals and families
Aviation, Jets, Aircraft, King Air, Aviat Husky
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At our core we believe in integrity, honesty and transparency. We treat each client as a part of our extended family and take the time to understand their unique needs and requirements.

We are passionate about flying and believe it's not just a mode of transportation but a way of life.

Our love for pets and fishing is also an essential part of our lives We understand the importance of accommodating furry friends our office is one hundred percent pet friendly.

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Our commitment to safety and reliability is of utmost importance to us We ensure that all our planes are maintained to the highest standards before purchasing. We strive to provide a seamless and hassle-free experience for all of our clients! Join us and experience the joy of flying on your own, whenever and wherever your desires may lead you!